Blue Ridge Parkway Regulations

Blue Ridge Parkway Regulations by Recreational Activity
To help protect and preserve the Blue Ridge Parkway, yourself, and others, observe all park regulations. Be alert for uncontrolled fire, safety hazards, accidents and emergencies. Please report such conditions by calling 1-800-PARKWATCH (1-800-727-5928).
ROADSIDE PARKING – Parking is allowed on road shoulders, but please avoid wet areas and make sure that all four wheels are off the pavement.
TRAILS – Trails are for hiking only. Bicycles and motorized vehicles are not permitted.
CAMPING – Camping is permitted only in park campgrounds or designated back-country sites.
PETS – All pets must be on a leash or under physical restraint at all times while in the park. The territorial instinct of dogs can lead to fights with other dogs on the trail. Dogs also frighten hikers and chase wildlife. If a pet cannot be kept under control, it should be left at home.
LAKES AND PONDS – These are for fishing and scenic beauty only, with no swimming allowed. Nearby U.S. Forest Service recreation areas, state parks, and mountain resorts often have swimming facilities.
PREVENT FOREST FIRES – Fires are permitted in the provided grills or fire pits in campgrounds and picnic areas only.
BOATS – Only on Price Lake, boats without motors or sails are permitted.
LITTER – Deposit all litter in the trash cans provided.
ALL NATURAL RESOURCES ARE PROTECTED – Leave wildflowers and other vegetation in their natural condition for others to enjoy. Do not disturb animal or plant life in any way. Hunting and trapping are prohibited. Do not interfere with animals by feeding, touching, or frightening them. Do not cut, deface, or damage trees.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES – Possession of open containers of alcohol in vehicles is prohibited. Alcohol is permitted in campgrounds by registered campers and in picnic areas until 9:00 PM.
Most Parkway facilities are wheelchair usable. Some facilities have minor slope and/or structural barriers. For more information about access, please contact The Blue Ridge Parkway Headquarters, 199 Hemphill Knob Road, Asheville, NC 28803. Phone: (828) 271-4779.